The Conscious Business: 3 Models You Need to Know

What does conscious mean? To be conscious means to be aware and responsive to one’s surrounding. Lately, this trend of awareness has made its way into the business world, where people are encouraged to be conscious of their market, their product, and their customers.

The Conscious Sale

Taran Hughes of the Conscious Sale has been a pioneer in this, promising “a mindset shift offering a new dimension of awareness to what actually influences success in the sales environment.”

How? Through three core behavioural principles: state, intention, and belief. State is the foundation, it is the primary filter through which you encounter the world and your business. Intention comes next, it is driving force that guides and forms your plans. Without it, you will be without direction. The third is belief. Belief is perhaps the most important because, without it, you will never see success since you don’t believe in yourself. With belief, in your business and in yourself, anything becomes possible.

Hughes concludes, “It is the little things done consistently well that can have the biggest impact, and through these adjustments, it is possible to become the architect of your success and not the victim of your unconsciousness actions.”

Check out his website,


Conscious Public Relations Inc.

A PR company out of Vancouver, Canada, called Conscious Public Relations Inc. has a different approach. They believe conscious means to be aware of the ethical impacts of business decisions. They explain “as stewards of the earth, we have a responsibility to ourselves and to our home to purchase ethically and become aware of businesses that sustain or do not sustain life on earth.”

Simply put, we all have a responsibility to be conscious of our daily business practices and how they affect the environment around us. Conscious Public Relations Inc. specialised in this, with a broad network of similarly minded businesses.

For more information visit


The Conscious Business Institute

The Conscious Business Institute is an international organisation that works with businesses and leaders to inspire effective and sustainable companies. They explain they help their clients “help our clients combine financial success with a high level of personal engagement, fulfilment and well-being.”

They offer a four pillar service dealing with Leadership Development, Management Consulting, Access to Funding, and Research and Certification. However, what makes them unique is how they approach the operational, energetic, and emotional aspects in a business. 

For more information see their website:

So know you can see there is no one way to be conscious. Conscious can mean being internally aware of yourself and your own beliefs, or it can mean what in your business you intentionally prioritise, whether it’s customer relations or the environment. With the way consciousness is sweeping the business world, it’s only a matter of finding the right model for you. 


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