Today on Guiris On The Grid we will be talking to Katrina Affleck, founder of Art Space. Originally from Manchester in the United Kingdom, she studied her post-grad in cultural management, loves art history, and is always on the lookout for new exhibitions. After working as a tour guide, she decided to combine her experience in the industry with her passion for the arts to create ArtSpace here in Barcelona. ArtSpace is a collective of creatives brought together by a mutual love of arts, culture, and history that have dedicated their time to share their passion with others. They host a variety of art and gallery walks, photography workshops, and art events offered by professional photographers and art experts. The goal of this interactive project is to give locals and tourists alike, a general overview of the art scene in Barcelona. Tune in to learn about how it all started, Katrina’s favourite spaces in Barcelona the importance of creativity in every job, and how to get involved!
Guiris On The Grid with Katrina Affleck