Hello all! Today on Guiris On The Grid we will be talking to Sonia Barba from Prostíbulo Poético. Sonia has run Prostíbulo Poético since Kiely Sweatt, original founder returned to her home in New York. She has experience and training in acting in and directing productions and has loved poetry since she was a child. Prostíbulo Poético is a transdisciplinary collective of artists that develop projects that revolve around the different styles of poetry and performance from around the world and changing the way people recite poetry. Tune in to learn the true power that private poetry can have, how they got started, and the story behind the name! They showcase unpublished poetry is its “purest state”. Make sure to check them out live on December 13th to see for yourself what private poetry is all about! The event will be hosted at 8:30 pm at Guzzo, El Borne. Feel free to contact Sonia herself at sonia@prostibulopoetico.com for more information!
Guiri On The Grid with Prostibulo Poético